Solidarity with Ukraine

Chair of International Relations

Solidarity with Ukraine
Image: Chair of International Relations

Rafael Biermann has transferred all the primary sources from his PhD on the Soviet role in German unification and from his Habilitation on the Kosovo conflict to the Archive of the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History in Munich. This includes all his more than 80 interviews with high-ranking politicians of the time in Moscow, Washington D.C., Berlin, Pristina and other places. Overall, there are 18 file folders on German unification and 14 on Kosovo. Further sources on NATO enlargement and Bosnia’s peace implementation were added. The contract with the Archive foresees that these sources will be made available to the public. Rafael Biermann has worked for the German Chancellor during German unification and for the Federal Ministry of Defense while the Kosovo conflict escalated in the 1990s. His books (“Zwischen Kreml und Kanzleramt. Wie Moskau mit der deutschen Einigung rang“, 1998, and „Lehrjahre im Kosovo. Das Scheitern der international Krisenprävention vor Kriegsausbruch“, 2006) will be shortly online available on this webpage.

Welcome to the Chair of International Relations at Friedrich Schiller University Jena!

This webpage serves to give students, scholars and all interested background information about our activities. The old bridge of Mostar, which was destroyed during the Balkan wars of the 1990s, symbolizes the ambition of our team to build bridges across the borders of our country, across the disciplines relevant for our studies, across cultures as well as across the often invisible boundaries of our own discipline. The bridge of Mostar also signals our primary focus, which is peace, conflict and security in world politics.

Scroll through our webpage and familiarize yourself with the faces and personal background of our team. Look at our research topics and the book series “Innovative Conflict Research” which you might want to join as a future author. People considering to start a PhD with us might find it useful to learn about our PhD projects, the biannual workshops and our application guidelines.

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A few years ago our Chair devised the international, English-language Master programme “International Organisations and Crisis Management” (IOCM). It is now in full swing, with more than 200 applicants per year for around 20 places. It includes a semester abroad, an annual field trip, a summer school, a course taught by a political practitioner, language training, interdisciplinary classes and much more. Visit our IOCM website to learn more: https://www.iocm.ujni-jena.deExternal link

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